Brandon and Kensey are covenant partners at The Crossing Church. The Crossing Church is a community of Believers in Greenville, South Carolina who are passionate about Jesus and His Gospel.
We are striving to accomplish our mission by developing disciples who are:
1. Cultivating a growing relationship with Jesus
2. Walking in Spirit giftedness
3. Living connected
4. Practicing whole-life stewardship
5. Sharing his or her grace story
We want to follow Jesus regardless of the cost.

In Acts 16:9, Paul receives a vision. He sees a man from Macedonia standing in the night crying out, “Who will come and help us.” In our world there are many “Macedonians” crying out with the same desperation. Macedonian Call Ministries was founded in 1998 under the leadership of Murrill and Deborah Boitnott with the vision of helping provide the relationships, resources, training, accountability, and opportunities that individuals needed in order to move forward in their walk with Christ and to be mobilized for effective ministry.
Today, the Boitnott’s son-in-law and daughter, Jody and Emily Jennings, continue to lead the ministry with the mission of reaching the world through global partnerships in Cuba, Uganda, and through Family and Collegiate Ministries in the United States.
There will be opportunities for groups to come to Romania and serve with Brandon and Kensey. Macedonian Call Ministries will facilitate short-term mission trips for those who are interested.