The Call

In 2009, Brandon was given the opportunity through North Greenville University and Macedonian Call Ministries to go to Romania for the first time. That trip began a change in his life that God has continued to shape. He has had the privilege of going to Romania to minister and share the Gospel at the prison in BuziaČ™ three more times. God has given him a heart for the Romanian people and specifically for the boys and girls in the prison.
In March 2016, we were able to go to Romania together for the first time. This was a life changing experience on many levels. We prayed for several weeks leading up to the trip that God would provide clarity, unity and peace as we considered becoming full time missionaries to Romania. After that trip, and through much prayer and seeking wise counsel, we fully believe that God is calling us and we are stepping out in faith to go. We are partnering with the Crossing Church and Macedonian Call Ministries as our sending organizations.